Saturday, June 23, 2012


A few nights ago, I had a Nightmare. Until now, I decide to write this out, because I have been thinking, and watching a lot of TV, and may think this might mean something, or has some siginifance somehow. I don't know how. I don't remember much about the nightmare, because it was one of those dreams where after you have it, and wake up, you forget everything. But I remember some things about it, and am willing to tell all I remember about it, and what I did. This may get a bit religious, so I would like to put out there that I am an Athiest. Can't deal with it, stop reading this now.

A few nights ago, it was a normal night. I go to sleep, in a good mood. My dad was out here visiting me, and he also had some work down here in Evanston. It's a good visit we had, but the dream has in a way changed me. Sense then, I been more interested in paranormal things like that. My belief for it has became stronger.

What I remember from the dream, I was in a house. It was not my house that I am currently living in, but it was a different house. Maybe a future house, but for some reason, I believe that it is MY house. Like I owned it. I was alone in the house, and I was trying to sleep. Weird, I am dreaming about myself trying to sleep. But, while I was trying to sleep, I kept on hearing voices. So, I'm not really alone. There are other things with me, but for some reason I don't think they were people. Something different, but I knew something was there because I just felt something there. The voices kept on getting louder, and I had no idea what they were saying. Maybe some different language or something. What I did in the dream, as they got louder, was I told them to shut up, and they must have ticked them off, because they go up and started coming to my bed. I never got to see them, and as they were coming to the bed, I saw a flash. A flash in my dreams means that I know I am dreaming. So, as soon as I saw the flash, I knew I was dreaming, the things were coming over to me, and I didn't want to see them, so I woke myself up. And it was over.

After that, I turned on my light, and got on the computer to do some research on what just happened. I also talked to a friend I had, and from that talk, I will not talk to him about these matters again. Him and I are just so different, he is a very strong Christian, and I am a strong Athiest. So, the two don't mix. I tole him what just happened, and all he said was "You must pray to the allmighty lord for forgiveness in your life." That kind of ticked me off, because I don't need forgiveness. I'm always the best person I can be. I think before I act, because I don't need religion to tell me what's right and wrong, I know what is right and wrong. So, I got annoyed with him, and did some research. I did some research on dream catchers, and then asked him what he thought about them. He said they are evil, and that they will basically let demons in my house to kill me. I got annoyed with him, and said I had to go, so I did more research.

I didn't sleep that night. In stead, I was tired all day. Sense then, I sleep with the light on now. But it has not happened again. It was just a bad dream. We all have them, but if them come up too much, then it is  a problem. Good night everyone.

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